Focus ESL C18

Focus ESL C18是一款多功能性能架或壁挂式静电中置声道扬声器,采用18英寸宽XStat CLS静电传感器,具有折叠式运动高音扬声器的详细成像能力,以及两个6.5英寸低音扬声器,带来真实感。能够低至50Hz的深低音再现。

US$4,899.99 US$4,409.99

专注ESL C18



MartinLogan推出全新的家庭影院现实主义杰作: Focus ESL C18中置声道扬声器,静音中置声道扬声器,专为壁挂式灵活性而设计。

Focus ESL C18
Focus ESL C18


目标是灵活性和性能,Focus ESL C18实现了这两者。光滑的雕刻外壳坚固支撑,无共振,均衡。它被设计为安装在屏幕的上方或下方。包括重型壁挂式安装支架硬件,创新支架可容纳多个安装角度,因此您可以将Focus ESL C18直接对准您的聆听位置,以实现完美对齐的中央通道演示。

Focus ESL C18也在家中的架子或落地架上。切换方便的“On-Wall / Off-Wall”声学轮廓开关,可即时优化任何安装位置的性能。此功能会自动修改响应以补偿可能增强或抑制低音输出的墙边界。结果是房间填充中心频道再现与栩栩如生的全范围神韵。


Focus ESL C18
Focus ESL C18


是什么让Focus ESL C18成为中心通道设计和工程的杰作,它的壁挂式装置令人惊讶。虽然Focus ESL C18在平放在墙壁上时的深度仅为9.6英寸 ,但它采用了技术,可以从高级中置声道扬声器提供您所需的详细音频。

7.5 x 18英寸曲线线源(CLS)静电面板具有柔和的水平曲线,可增强输出并扩展包络中档色散图案。外部格栅的设计与MicroPerf Stators的外观和Masterpiece ESL系列中其他型号上的大胆AirFrame Blade相得益彰,实现了复杂和协调的家庭影院系统美学。

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Focus ESL C18

精密制造的高级拓扑Vojtko Crossover

Vojtko Voiced,Focus ESL C18的高级分频器为这款巧妙的构图增添了中等清晰度。这款分频器采用最精细的聚丙烯电容器和空心线圈精心手工制造,采用了MartinLogan专有的Vojtko拓扑结构,可实现极低失真和无缝驱动器/ ESL集成。这种精确调整的网络可以保留最微小的声音细微差别,同时处理任何信号源的完整动态。


MartinLogan独有的折叠式运动高音扬声器位于静电面板的后面,固定在一个设计独特的外壳中。折叠式运动高音扬声器的低质量振膜可最大限度地减少失真,同时其短的偏移长度可加快闪电般快速的高频响应。 Focus ESL C18中央声道扬声器中的1 x 1.4英寸折叠式运动高音扬声器的振膜面积为5.25 x 1.75英寸。静电面板和折叠式运动高音扬声器的综合性能特性可确保精确和超逼真的前级混合。

这种中高频性能只能通过巨大的低端基础来支持。所以Focus ESL C18还配备了一个6.5英寸双低音单元的无源阵列,可以低至50Hz的低音再现。可以使用声学轮廓开关调整任何安装选项的低音输出。

Focus ESL C18




50-23,000 Hz±3dB






90 dB / 2.83伏/米


4 Ohms兼容4,6或8 Ohm额定放大器。




1“x 1.4”(2.6cm x 3.6cm)折叠式运动传感器,带5.25“x 1.75”(13.3cm x 4.4cm)光圈。


获得专利的CLS™XStat™静电传感器»面板尺寸:7.5“x 18”(19 x 45.7cm)»散热面积:135in²(868cm²)








WBT-0703Cu nextgen™5路接线柱采用镀金,无镍,非铁磁,纯铜制成的金银丝信号导体,具有高导电性和完全绝缘性。没有涡流效应。




9.6“x 43.2”x 9.2“(24.4cm x 109.7cm x 23.4cm)


9.4“x 43.2”x 9.6“(23.9 cm x 109.7cm x 24.5cm)


11.3“x 43.2”x 11.5“(28.8 cm x 109.7cm x 29.1 cm)

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  • 2022年1月16日星期日

Worth every penny. The Focus is one of the best sounding center channels I've ever had. It blends will with the masterpiece series speakers and previous generation MLs. I currently have this matched with my current Montis speakers and previous Theos both systems sounded excellent with movies, TV, video games, or anything surround sound. If you are on the fence about this speaker or want to upgrade from the ESL C don't even think twice, it is a night and day difference in improvement. Highly recommend.

Craig P.

  • 2021年7月17日星期六

The ESL C18 is an absolutely fantastic center speaker. I have Stewart StudioTek 130 electric projection screens and needed a wall mounted center channel speaker to go with my other Martin Logan speakers. This is the ultimate center speaker. Crisp, clear dialog and good off axis sound for people not dead center. I love this speaker!


  • 2018年2月16日星期五

In the past few months I have upgraded my center channel from the Stage X to the new Focus. Originally I had the new Focus paired with a pair of Summit X’s for a few months. I could tell right away that the new center channel was superior to the Stage X. How could I tell? It was pretty easy to tell that the new Focus just made movies or concerts sound more real and interesting then in the past. The center channel is the most important speaker in a multi-channel system so to get the best sound quality any improvements will be noticed immediately. If you look at the specs the horizontal dispersion is the same for both center channels but to me it’s wider on the new Focus. So sitting off axis works better in my room sitting arrangement – maybe it’s just that it’s longer than the Stage X. The other thing that I would like to mention is I had the Stage X sitting on top of my electronic cabinet with the back about 3” from the wall. This worked but an older different manufacturer (that I had in the past) had a way to mount the center channel directly to the wall. I always liked that look but even though the Stage X had a bracket that could be used to mount to the wall it would have been sticking out quite a bit more so I never mounted it that way. The new Focus is made to mount to a wall hanging on a very narrow bracket so really it sticks out just slightly deeper than the speaker itself. The Focus has a switch to configure the speaker exactly for direct wall mounting and if preferred not. I really like the look mounted directly to the wall. I also think because of the development work that ML did to make this even possible to wall mount (which probably was quite the trick with an electrostatic speaker) I just think the end result is very good sonically and visually. I also like the longer look of the Focus it kind of looks like the top section of a hybrid speaker on its side. It seems to match the rest of the front channels better visually. The finishing that I’m all too familiar with continues to be top notch indeed. In fact it looked so good I swapped out my Summit X’s (with stock black ash finish) to a special color 13a’s that match much more closely which I like a lot – both visually and sonically. I would also like to thank Shawn at DaVinci Media for all his help with this media room system upgrades and trade ins over the years!